I am happy to announce... that my Spring Break is finally here! Woohooo!!!! It couldn't have come at a better time. The hubs and I are totally burnt out on studying and welcome this break with open arms :) We have a couple things planned that I am looking forward to. Sunday there is a baby shower for a friend from church. Mon or Tues we may attend a Mardi Gras parade just to see what all the buzz is about. I guess people make some pretty impressive floats.
Orange Beach is one of our cities on the coast and where our friend's condo is! |
If you didnt know Mobile is actually where Mardi Gras originated. So it is a pretty big deal around here. It has been going on for three weeks now! Crazy right?? Other then that we are planning on just working and relaxing and catching up on things that have been left behind!
I love breaks, they allow me to get everything back an order. A refreshment for my life :)
Anyone have fun plans for the weekend? Have a happy Friday!
Much Love,
Breanna Mae
Thank GOD for breaks! Your plans sound so fun! :)